The information found here is primarily for adult site webmasters to find out whether or not their sites security has been breached. If you, as an adult webmaster, notice that a username & password combination of your site is listed here, you should notify us immediately and it will be promptly and courteously removed. Anyone else chooses to enter and click on the links must agree with the disclaimer below.
When a customer “signs-up” to an adult service to become a member, they electronically sign a contract with the adult service in question. By electronically signing this contract they agree to, among many other things, that they will not give out their username & password. Some customers or members do not comply with this contract. Hence the need for a service like Please use it to protect your site from contract breaking customers/members. In no way is condoning or participating in any illegal act.
The material on this server is adult oriented and/or sexually explicit, and is related to material of an adult nature. This site provides access to images of nude adults possibly engaging in sexual acts. Access is made available only to those who accept the terms of the following agreement: By accepting this agreement, I certify the following: 1) I do not find images of nude adults, adults engaged in sexual acts, or other sexual material to be offensive or objectionable. 2) I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to possess adult material in my community. 3) I understand the standards and laws of the community, site and computer to which I am transporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions.4) If I use these services in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and/or federal laws and am solely responsible for my actions. 5) By logging on, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise. 6) Bookmarking to a page on this server/site whereby this warning page is by-passed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the foregoing terms herein set forth.

Disclaimer and notice: We are not associated with, managed by, or in any way influenced by any existing or pre-existing Web site on the Internet. We are not responsible

for any of them!!! We simply list sites and provide links to them – just like sites like WebSideStoryTop1000 or any search engine. Keep in mind that the descriptions, and

URL’s of the listed sites found here are collected from other sites on the internet and maintained by the webmaster(s) of each site. While we keep the graphics/banners and text on this site at PG-13 level, some sites do not… we highly suggest that any one offended by adult material or under the age of 18 not use this list. Some sites may contain matThis list is designed to assist webmasters to determine when passwords have been compromised, and to take action to correct the problems. We have never hacked any of the sites on our list! We simply collect information from other sites on the world wide web and post it on our page! If you are an adult webmaster and your password is listed here we’ll be more than happy to remove it from the list forever and even assist you to prevent password thefts from your system in the future. Feel free to contact us

We do not agree with what the pirate sites do. In fact, we disagree with it. This page reports on the “password piracy” category. It is a newspage … reporting what exists on both sides of the controversy. We try to evaluate objectively which sites are the most proficient, and how surfers can avoid rip-offs. We also report the other side of the issue, and link to software that is designed to prevent password piracy. We have no interest in the outcome of the battle, other than tHere is the truth. These sites exist because of adult webmasters: Some webmasters refuse to take simple, inexpensive or free precautions to prevent password theft. The source would dry up instantly if all the breached sites would simply add minor software fixes (linked here), and/or simply invalidate passwords used by multiple IP’s. Yet, the breached sites do not take any action to prevent the pirate sites from continuing to obtain working passwords. If every adult site had security like Babylon-X or AdultCheck, this piracy category would be non-existent. A password to Babylon-X is not worth posting, since it lasts only until the second person uses it! Learn a lesson from them and try some of the following password trading protection software:

President Bobx,
Login Spy,
PasswordPirate Detector,
Private Eye or
Password Sentry.

Even if you don’t use the software, you can eliminate the problem by checking your logs every day and eliminating all passwords used by multiple users.

As an alternative, here is a letter we received. “As most webmasters know, there are thousands of sites and newsgroup postings that give out passwords to membership sites. With VERIFY,a password from a membership site can be posted on every web site and every newsgroup on the internet and only 5% of web surfers will be able to enter the secure directory, versus 100% with current protection methods.Only the original user of the password from the original computer the password was used from will be able to access the secure directory. This is because VERIFY tags the password with the dial-up IP/domain of the original user.” Some of the adult webmasters actually sponsor password sites. The sponsors keep them going. All the sites have banners. These pirates are not crusading zealots, they are entrepreneurs. In addition, some of these sites are actually hosted by an adult site webmaster! One is hosting a page for free in exchange for a pop-up window to his site! He’s a webmaster that’s using sites like this to his advantage. Some adult webmasters actually send their own passwords to the password sites, give people a peek, then invalidate the passwords a day or so later. If a pass gets posted in this manner, it’s free advertising for a site! Some of the less reputable adult webmasters pretend to be hackers, and send in false passwords that only lead to their sign-up page. Sometimes these scam passwords get posted.

If you find stolen or compromised passwords at these pages, we’d advise you not to use them for a lot of reasons. The person who bought the password and revealed it to these sites has certainly broken his contract with the provider. If you swipe a password for a site you like, you keep the site developer from being able to make his profit necessary to keep it up or develop more. If you swipe a password for a site you DON’T want to visit … well, what is the point to that? By using the passwords, you may be guilty of a computer crime in many countries. In the USA, you may or may not be breaking any laws by using a stolen password, but you may be subject to civil litigation if you materially affect somebody’s ability to do business.

And for the end take a moment and read this article about password and pay sites relations.